Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Having second thoughts of reading Harry Potter and the Cursed Child?

*no spoilers*

Yes it was not fully written by Rowling so it was totally different from the previous books.. No wonder..
And yes it's not a novel it is the rehearsal script for the play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.
All these facts were told throughout the internet before the book was released.
Then why do people complain about it? I don't understand!

I bought it cause it is all about going back to the Wizarding world of Harry Potter after all these years! I just love going back!
It is true that I could not feel the effect that I had when I was reading the previous seven books, yet I really enjoyed it.
It brought me tears while reading and Ron made me laugh.. (as usual he was there with his personality!)

I felt the story was fast forwarded and wish it was written as separate books as novels. Though the plot holes are very visible and spread throughout the story, they make heartfelt conversations between characters, so I did not mind them all that much.

Simply I did not want the book to end.. The kid inside me still loves to read Harry Potter stories and probably that's why after reading this I kept staring at it reminding all the incidents from the very first book!

What ever people say I loved it, I loved it simply to go back to that world of magic... ❤
If you are a die-hard Harry Potter fan you will not miss out reading this :)

Michael Phelps - Olympics Rio 2016

Waking up to see this in the morning (Sri Lankan time 10th August 2016) ^_^

21 Olympic Gold Medals and counting... ^_^ He is no wonder the most decorated Olympian of all time!!
I personally love the Butterfly stroke and because of him I love it more!

* About the above picture.. When someone see this while being in the race they realize already the race is over ;) He might have thought "I must watch how beautiful he swims" :D

It is indeed a nice sight to see Michael Phelps swimming! He has not lost often in the Olympics.

 “I was pretty fired up after that race,” Phelps said, adding, “I didn’t say anything to anybody else, but there wasn’t a shot in hell I was losing that tonight.”

 I feel that Michael Phelps was actually created for swimming by the gods of water O:)

And on the podium during the awarding ceremony he stood up with little teary eyes. 

 Wish to see Phelps’s legacy continues throughout in the beautiful world of swimming...

I saw this comment somewhere in the internet and thought it's interesting :D
"How to become stupid? : Challenge Michael Phelps!"

Olympics 2016 Rio - Swimming - Mathew Abeysinghe - Sri Lanka

I know it's not a final, yet to see the Sri Lankan flag like this in an Olympic event... :) In Rio 2016 Olympics swimming event Mathew Abeysinghe represented Sri Lanka ❤ He is the 1st swimmer ever qualify under the Olympic Standard (B) to represent Sri Lanka in the 2016 Rio Olympic Games.

Swimming is my favorite event in Olympics!  That was an amazing effort! Cheers!

  • Men's 100m freestyle - Heats
  • Rank: 50 with a timing of 50.96s

Hope someday I could see the Sri Lankan flag like this in a swimming final too!