Saturday, March 21, 2015

Tinker Bell ❤

Tink is sassy, brave, and beautiful. Although she is initially resistant to becoming a tinker she embraces the identity when she comes to recognize the value of her talent. She is inexperienced, but a good problem solver.

Tinker Bell is a free spirit, she is what she is, says what she says and doesn’t give a care what others may think, and seems happy to tell people they are a silly ass ;)

She does however endear herself to everyone in spite of her jealous ways and spiteful character. She would lay down her life for Peter and finds it difficult to compete with his attention to other adoring female company.

Tinker Bell is jealous of other females, mermaids and Princess Tiger Lily and Wendy.
Her possessiveness is not a good characteristic and will lead to downfall! She can be easily impatient and annoyed, yet she is extremely loyal..

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