Friday, March 6, 2015

How to Checkout and Commit a WSO2 App Factory application from GIT?!

To get an idea you can download and try it out WSO2 App Factory from here.

* To find the location and the availability of GIT in your machine you can execute the following command in terminal :
  • Open Terminal (Finder > Applications > Utilities)
                git init
  •  You can create a folder in your machine to checkout the projects.
                mkdir GIT_Projects
  • Go inside the created folder.
  • When you checkout you need to get the GIT to accept the certificate. So run the following command.
                export GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1
  • Now to clone the selected project to your GIT folder :
    Log in to the App Factory with a user that has App owner or Developer permission. Copy the URL in the application dashboard or the repository page of the Application.
        git clone
  • Go inside the checked out project.
                          cd AppName
  • You can do the changes now to the code by opening source code that you just downloaded to your local environment using your own IDE.
  • Save the code after doing the necessary changes.
  • Using the command line navigate to the folder where you cloned the repository and execute the following command to get status of the files that are modified.
                               Git status
  • Commit and push your changes to the remote repository using the following commands.
                               Git commit -am "my changes"
                               Git push origin master
  • Now the changes are committed.
  • Go to the the Repos & Builds page in App Factory and click the Launch button associated with the master repository to run the application.

Now you have your Application Launched with the modifications :)

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