Tuesday, February 3, 2015

SQL query analyzer for Mac?!

Installing the Eclipse SQL Explorer Plugin on Mac

Download and Install Eclipse SQL Explorer Plugin

Open Eclipse
From within Eclipse, choose Help -> Install New Software 
Click Add
Give the URL 'http://eclipsesql.sourceforge.net/' in the 'Work with' field
Fill the pop up dialogue box fields
You should now see 'SQL Explorer' in the list
Click Next
The initializing will happen
A new screen should open which allows you to select 'SQL Explorer'
After selecting it, click Finish
Downloading will start


The SQL Explorer plugin should now be installed and available as a new perspective
You can start using it by selecting it in the Open Perspective list
Window -> Open Perspective -> Other -> SQL Explorer
Once you have opened the SQL Explorer, you will need to add a new connection
In the Connections tab, click the ‘New Connection Profile’ icon or right click anywhere inside the empty list and choose it
This will open the ‘Create New Connection Profile’ window.

Here you won't be able to work unless you add the correct driver!

Download the Driver you want to work with

e.g. If you are trying to run a MSSQL query then you need the Microsoft JDBC Driver

Download the JDBC Driver
You can download it from Microsoft JDBC Driver
After downloading, extract it and open

Open the 'Create New Connection Profile' window in SQL Explorer
Click the New Driver button
On the 'Create New Driver' screen fill in the Name field with something like 'MSSQL JDBC Driver'
In the Example URL field fill in the following:
Click the Extra Class Path button
Click Add and then select the 'mssql.jar' file you downloaded
Click the List Drivers button
This should automatically fill in the Driver Class Name field at the bottom with 'com.mssql.jdbc.Driver'

*If not extract the 'sqljdbc4.jar' (when doing this you can copy this to some other location and extract it) and go inside that folder (com/microsoft/sqlserver/jdbc)
This is done to check the Driver name.
Now type 'com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver' as the Driver Class Name
Click OK

Now you are ready to run any query you want! :)

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