Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How to install "stuff" on Mac in an easy way?!

Installing software on a Mac is  different from installing software on Windows. There isn’t just one way to install applications on a Mac, either there are several different ways, depending on the application you want to install.

There is a simple command you can use to install things you need, and that is..
brew install

To use this we have to install Homebrew in Mac. Homebrew is known as a package management system for your Mac :)

To install Homebrew run the following command :
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)

How to use the $ brew install?

To install using brew you have to first make sure that Homebrew is update to date and ready to use.

brew update
 (What this does is update the versions and availability of packages you could install)

brew doctor
 (If you think you need to troubleshoot your Homebrew installation you could use this. The output will tell you what is wrong and generally how to fix it.)
brew upgrade
 (This will upgrade your installed packages.)
 And then you can install using the brew install command.
e.g. brew install mysql

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