Thursday, April 16, 2015

Pudding recipe I tried recently! :)

Making puddings and experimenting them is a thing that I used to like and do :) So thought of giving it a try again recently! Hope you will like it too ;)

Ingredients :

  • 1 Jelly packet
  • 30g Gelatin
  • 1(large) Milkmaid Tin
  • 200g Sugar
  • Water
  • Coloring
  • Fruits

Method :



Take the bowl you want to make the pudding in to.
Prepare the jelly packet or packets as you wish. (You can check the method behind the jelly packet)
Set the jelly by keeping inside the fridge.

Milkmaid mixture

Put the Milkmaid tin to a bowl and keep aside.

Put water to the empty tin with 200g sugar, mix it.
Cook this in a cooker.

Put water to the empty tin again and add the 30g gelatin to it and mix.
Add this to the water and sugar mixture in the cooker.
Stir it.
Make sure this is cooked till boiling bubbles.

Add the milkmaid which you first kept aside in a bowl.
Quickly turn off the cooker.
Stir it well without letting it to froze.
You need to make it as a thick liquid but not very thick.
Keep it aside to cool.

You can separate the mixture and add coloring in different colors.

Pineapple & Apple stew

Cut the pineapple and apple in to small pieces.
Add sugar to get the sweetness you want.
Cook it till its' water dries.

Final preparation 

Now take out the jelly from the fridge.
Add the stew on top of it.
Also you can add fruits, cut in to small pieces. (In this I have put plums, cashews. cherries, dates)
Now add the previously prepared mixture with a one color of coloring.
Keep it in the fridge to set.

After it is set take it out and add another layer with a different color of the mixture.
Add a fruits layer.
Again keep it in the fridge to set.
You can add another color again and add a fruit layer too after this is set.

You can add as much as layers you want :)

Keep the pudding in the fridge to set!
When it is done you can decorate the top by adding sprinkles of fruits or chocolate drops, simply anything you like!

This will look good on the table as well as tasty ;)

Try this and Enjoy!!!


  1. Did you try Strawberry flavored jelly ? and wont the rest of the mixture get frozen while you leave a one layer to get set ?

    1. 1) Yes. But you can add jelly flavored layers too in between. Like strawberry, orange, apple :)

      2) No. That is why you need to mix it well as a liquid not too thick at the same time.
