Tuesday, January 3, 2012

* Starzum *

Starzum was created as a coursework given for the Web Technology module. This website is developed with the use of HTML, Javascript, PHP, Ajax and Mysql. The main specifications of this website are as follows:
  •        Main Page
  •        Information Pages
  •        Products Pages
  •        Quiz page
  •              Comment Page
  •        Weekly Poll
  •                Google Maps page
  •               Site map of the web site
  •              A presentation page which redirects to the main page
  •               Ask from Us pages.


    This web site contains interesting  details about astronomy, an elegant quiz to test the viewers’ knowledge, an online store to buy Astronomy related items(t –shirts,CDs ) and a page where users can comment about our site.

          Also this has a weekly poll, which checks about a recent project of astronomy. Google maps of our destinations are also included dynamically.The main aim of this website was to develop the knowledge on how to design a standard, visual website with the use of many web development techniques. Also the full effort is added to make this site more user- friendly and to bring it up to a better standard to give a good service for the viewers.

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