Tuesday, March 24, 2015

How to install Selenium IDE?!

What is Selenium IDE?

Selenium IDE is a fully featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that installs as a plugin for Mozilla Firefox. This enables developers to test their web applications through Selenium.
With the Selenium IDE, you can record user interactions with the web browser and play back to test for errors.
It is a good and powerful IDE where you can simply do the QA testing process and automate the testing flows.

* The Selenium IDE is currently available only on Firefox.

If you don't have it already go to the SeleniumHQ page.
You can refer this for more details and read about Selenium.

And to download the Selenium IDE to Firefox click the Download section. Or straight away click here
There you can see sections for different Selenium tools.
  • Go to the Selenium IDE section.
  • Click on 'Download latest released version' link
  • Once it is clicked Firefox will display a message
  • Click Allow button. Then the installation will start.
  • Then you will be shown a window with the add-ons to install.
  • Click Install Now button.
  • After you will be asked to Restart the Firefox browser in order to install the add-ons.
  • When you click the Restart button the browser will  close and reopen with the add-ons installed.
  • Now when you go to the Tools > Selenium IDE option will be displayed there.
  • Or else you can check the add-ons by navigating to the Firefox Add-ons.
  • If the add-ons are installed it should be displayed as bellow

  • Now to open the installed IDE, Click Tools and click Selenium IDE
  • Selenium IDE will open as shown bellow

Now you are ready to use the Selenium IDE!

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