Saturday, February 11, 2012

@ Google @

Who's the cutest? I'm feeling lucky - The phrase become popular and goes viral as Google now become the "magic mirror" and answered the famous question.
That's right, Google can now answers who's the cutest...

If you're curious about who's the cutest, here's how to do it:

Go to Google homepage and type 'who's the cutest' on the search box. Then press the 'I'm feeling lucky' button.

More tricks on Google

Google gravity

Type on the google search box “google gravity” and press the  'I'm feeling lucky'  button. The new page will appear, just wait a couple seconds and you will see all of the google letters will fall down.

Google sphere

Type on the google search box “google sphere” and press the  'I'm feeling lucky'  button. The new page will appear, just wait a couple seconds and you will see google and all the letters will collapse and flying.

Epic Google

Type on the google search box “google epic” and press the  'I'm feeling lucky'  button. Wait for a couple seconds and you’ll see the Google title and all the letters will slowly get wider and bigger.

Annoying Google

Type on the google search box “annoying google” and press the  'I'm feeling lucky'  button. You’ll see another alternative Google homepage.

Google reverse/mirror

Type on the google search box “google reverse” or “elgoog” and press the  'I'm feeling lucky'  button. The new page will appear, just wait a couple seconds and you will see a reverse (mirror) google where all the letters become reverse or will only can read if mirrored.

Rainbow google

Type on the google search box “google rainbow” and press the  'I'm feeling lucky'  button. You’ll see the letters on the page are colorful like Christmas light and will always change frequently.

Google loco

Type on the google search box “google loco” and press the  'I'm feeling lucky'  button. You’ll see another alternative Google pages where the Google title become “Google Loco” and every letter will jumping.

Google game

To play the game, you must have the latest Flash Player installed in your browser.

Google pacman

Type on the google search box “google pacman” and press the  'I'm feeling lucky'  button. You’ll see google home page with pacman themes and you can play the game also.

Google Easter Eegs

Type on the google search box “google easter eegs” and press the  'I'm feeling lucky'  button. You’ll see google homepage with easter themes and you can play the “bunny easter eggs”.